Cheney Practices REAL
New Pearl Harbor
Hawaii nuke 'terror drill'
8-15/17 2006
US to hit Iran
author: various
1. Aug 15-17: a "REAL New Pearl Harbor" Hawaii nuke 'terror drill'
2. Sept. 2006: Global strike
capacity goes online in Pentagon: "Joint Functional Component Command for Global Strike and Integration...scheduled to achieve
Full Operational Capability (FOC) provide new offensive strike options to the President..."
3. Oct 4-Nov 8: Pentagon
to test "Global Strike" capability in terror drill exercise called "Global Lighting."
We know that all state terror
drills have been used repeatedly in the past several years to hide real state terrorism. (For instance, in 1981, George H.
W. Bush as Vice President ran, in real time, FEMA terror drill "on Reagan Presidential Assassination," that happened to "go
live" after they practice it. No investigation against Bush Senior, ex head of the CIA. So, we know what the traitors are
doing in the U.S. --- "Citizen activists at excellent websites like False Flag News and Total 411 Info are now providing us
with excellent ongoing data on upcoming war games simulations. --- Last year, ex-CIA agent Giraldi revealed sources within
military concerned about Cheney's offensive nuclear orders to STRATCOM to ready a plan for A FIRST STRIKE nuke attack by the
U.S. on Iran triggered, Cheney said, by a "9-11 style terrorism event on U.S. soil." Since Cheney ran the 9-11 standdown from
his White House bunker, letting 9-11 occur, he should know all about it.
We Are Winning - An Earnest Prayer* Leland Lehrman -
At this point, I can tell what's going on in the world largely by the state of my inbox which
is in an unprecedented uproar.
Panicked, furious and grieving messages from Israel, Palestine and Lebanon peace activists
abound along with massive efforts by neoconservative ideologues and disinformation specialists to discredit the growing army
of Americans who have realized that 9/11 was an inside job
Several vanguard researchers are revealing the ominous nature of upcoming military drills like those that successfully cloaked the New York, 9/11 and London, 7/7 like those that successfully cloaked the New York, 9/11 and London, 7/7 link to haze.
The brilliant Michael Blanshan alerted me yesterday to this description of how Iraqi citizens are tortured by Americans and Israelis into performing terrorist attacks. The gruesome story is reminiscent of the Manchurian Candidate of how Iraqi citizens are tortured by Americans and Israelis into performing terrorist attacks. The gruesome story is reminiscent of the Manchurian Candidate link to movies describing US intelligence operations designed to create mind-controlled killers and is not for
the faint of heart.
The recent UK and US "terrorist plot" is doubtless another phony fear-mongering operation as this
article from Alex Jones at link to makes clear:
"Government enforcers and frightened slaves are all hot and bothered about the latest supposed
terror plot targeting UK flights inbound to the US. How long before the whole saga turns out to be hoaxed BS like
*every single other major terror alert* there has been?
Ridiculous restrictions have been slapped on travelers, with
mother's having to taste baby milk before they board planes and all hand luggage, including liquid drinks, being banned.
The new alert arrives with the 9/11 truth movement on the cusp of a wave of media exposure.
Evidence of
government sponsored terror and how they use the fear of terror to control society is bursting out at the seams as editorials
nationwide in the US are uniform in attempting to debunk research that questions the official version of 9/11.
analysis has proven that every time Blair and Bush sag in approval ratings, a fresh terror alert gives them a bounce back
up the charts.
Every single major terror alert issued by either the US, Canadian or UK governments has proven
to be either a manufactured facade, an entrapment sting or an outright hoax.
Recently, a supposed plan to hijack
planes and fly them into London landmarks was exposed as a concoction of UK government lobbyists and news chiefs.
The July 2005 London bombings were a British intelligence operation. The alleged ringleader, Mohammed Siddique
Khan, was working for MI5."
Citizen activists at excellent websites like False Flag News and Total 411 Info are now providing us with excellent ongoing data on upcoming war games simulations.
the Pentagon will test its "Global Strike" capability between October 4th and November 8th in an exercise ominously called
"Global Lighting." link to
According to the Nuclear Information Project, "At the end of September, 2006, the Joint Functional Component Command for Global Strike and Integration
(formerly Space and Global Strike) is scheduled to achieve Full Operational Capability (FOC). That event builds on Global
Strike capabilities developed over many years to provide new offensive strike options to the President..."
is the name of the organization within the DOD responsible for managing offensive nuclear operations. Last year, former CIA
agent Philip Giraldi electrified the world when he revealed that sources within the military were concerned about Cheney's
offensive nuclear orders to STRATCOM
"In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration
who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran. The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President
Dick Cheney's office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to
be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale
air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450
major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets
are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As
in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed
against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the
implications of what they are doingâ€"that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attackâ€"but
no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."
Between August 15th and August 17th 2006, a nuclear terrorism drill is scheduled
for Honolulu, Hawaii. (Talk about a New Pearl Harbor Here's the Honolulu Star-Bulletin on the subject:
"For 34 straight hours beginning Aug. 15,
state Civil Defense planners will be manning the command center inside Diamond Head Crater in an exercise to cope
with the effects of the detonation of a low-yield nuclear bomb planted by terrorists. It's one of 15 scenarios --
wiping out 30 percent of the communications in the downtown area and killing 10,000 people -- involving improvised nuclear
devices that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency wants states to prepare for, according to Edward Teixeira, state vice
civil defense director."
Simultaneously, and just in time, a massing network of citizens worldwide has set about
the task of countering globalization using local economic networking systems The Locals Care credit card here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is a good example of a regional economic system designed for
the benefit of the community rather than the corporations. Michael Shuman, the sage of the movement, was recently in Santa Fe for the Locals Care launch and promoting his new
book, The Small-Mart Revolution, How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition. Sarah Laeng-Gilliatt of the Institute for Nonviolent Economics has a lecture series entitled Economics, Gandhi and Spiritually-Based Activism The Locals Care credit card here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is a good example of a regional economic system designed for
the benefit of the community rather than the corporations. Michael Shuman, the sage of the movement, was recently in Santa Fe for the Locals Care launch and promoting his new
book, The Small-Mart Revolution, How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition. Sarah Laeng-Gilliatt of the Institute for Nonviolent Economics has a lecture series entitled Economics, Gandhi and Spiritually-Based Activism link to
This particular moment in human history is critical.
Will our planet know peace, freedom
and bioregional, ecological conviviality or endless war, environmental destruction and police state dictatorship? The outcome is in *your* hearts,
hands and prayers.
I was planning to send this newsletter out last night, but as I absorbed the ominous information
currently gathering like storm clouds over Earth, I realized that not even the most succinct, thorough, well-distributed article
could possibly have enough of an effect to ward off the danger. I realized that it was time for prayer and turned my computer
Those who are not religious can call it focused intention or whatever is preferable. But however you want to
phrase it, it is time to pray to God, in whatever form He/She takes in your life, for the protection of our world.
prayed for the restraint of the world's military and the willingness of the civilian and military leadership to resist criminal
polices and illegal orders. I further prayed for citizens and true leaders to have the courage to dispossess the current criminal
political and military leadership of their control over our future.
Reuven Schossen, the Israeli dissident and former Captain in that nation's military now living in the US openly called
on Israeli soldiers to put down their weapons and go home en masse in this radio interview, the Israeli dissident and former Captain in that nation's military now living in the US openly called
on Israeli soldiers to put down their weapons and go home en masse in this radio interview link to

Evidence of government sponsored terror and how they use the fear of terror to control society is
bursting out at the seams....
Ridiculous restrictions have been slapped on travelers, with mother's having
to taste baby milk before they board planes and all hand luggage, including liquid drinks, being banned. The new alert arrives
with the 9/11 truth movement on the cusp of a wave of media exposure.
Evidence of government sponsored terror and
how they use the fear of terror to control society is bursting out at the seams as editorials nationwide in the US are uniform
in attempting to debunk research that questions the official version of 9/11.
Statistical analysis has proven that
every time Blair and Bush sag in approval ratings, a fresh terror alert gives them a bounce back up the charts.
single major terror alert* issued by either the US, Canadian or UK governments has proven to be either a manufactured facade,
an entrapment sting or an outright hoax.
I say "recycled" because it is indeed recycled.
Terror Plot Mirrors
Bojinka: Run By US Government Agent
*Prison Planet | August 10 2006*
*Associated Press reports* that the dastardly new terror plot is a re-hash of Operation Bojinka - a 1995 plot to blow up 10 Western
airliners simultaneously. What they don't report is that its ringleader - Ramzi Youssef - was protected by the US government
in 1992. In *September of 1992 Youssef entered the US** that the dastardly new terror plot is a re-hash of Operation Bojinka - a 1995 plot to blow up 10 Western
airliners simultaneously. What they don't report is that its ringleader - Ramzi Youssef - was protected by the US government
in 1992. In *September of 1992 Youssef entered the US* link to under cover of a supposed sting operation.
Ramzi Youssef is a US government agent and his Bojinka
plot - supposedly foiled by his intelligence agency bosses - is now being used as the latest monster under the bed to scare
US and UK citizens into surrendering what's left of their rights.
Isn't it amazing that US government officials claimed
ignorance of any Bojinka style plans before 9/11 and yet now they re-hash one for a faux terror alert.
enforcers and frightened slaves are all hot and bothered about the latest supposed terror plot targeting UK flights inbound
to the US.
Ridiculous restrictions have been slapped on travelers, with mother's having to taste baby milk before
they board planes and all hand luggage, including liquid drinks, being banned.
The new alert arrives with the 9/11
truth movement on the cusp of a wave of media exposure.
Evidence of government sponsored terror and how they use the
fear of terror to control society is bursting out at the seams as editorials nationwide in the US are uniform in attempting
to debunk research that questions the official version of 9/11.
Statistical analysis has proven that every time Blair
and Bush sag in approval ratings, a fresh terror alert gives them a bounce back up the charts.
*Every single major
terror alert* issued by either the US, Canadian or UK governments has proven to be either a manufactured facade, an entrapment
sting or an outright hoax.
Recently, a supposed plan to hijack planes and fly them into London landmarks *was exposed
as a concoction* link to of UK government lobbyists and news chiefs.
The July 2005 *London bombings* were a British intelligence operation. The alleged ringleader, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was *working for
MI5** were a British intelligence operation. The alleged ringleader, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was *working for
MI5* link to
Here is a compendium list of other reports where the role of governments and security agencies
in manufacturing artificial terror plots is exposed - within these stories are links to even more.
*Seven Morons In
A Warehouse* link to
*Sears Tower: US Government Creates Another Al-Qaeda Cell*
*Cooked Canary Wharf Terror Plot Recycled link to
*Canadian 'Terror Plot' Begins To Unravel*
*Hyped Terror Raid Proves To Be Paper Tiger*
*Toledo Terrorists and Government Entrapment link to
*Twenty-Three Intel Experts Say LA Terror Plot a Sham link to
*Bush Plays Terror Card With Bogus LA Attack Plot link to
*NYC Subway "Plot": Just Another Fake Terror Alert link to
link to
newswire article reposts united states 04.Aug.2006 13:08 9.11 investigation Scripps
Poll: 36% of U.S. thinks 911 was Inside Job America wakes up to the nightmare
newswire article reporting united states 08.Aug.2006 18:16 9.11 investigation VIDEO: LT. Col.
Robert Bowman at American Scholars Symposium, on 9-11 Bush complicity author: you tube the introduction: Schwartzkopf
and others on Gulf War One: "and we were determined not to get sucked into that quagmire [of invading Iraq and going into
Baghdad during Gulf War One]."
On the standdown: "This is not incompetence. This is treason!"
[30 minutes
of video]
Robert M. Bowman (born 1934) was the former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the
U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat
missions. He holds a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from the California Institute of Technology.
his involvement with space programs and defense, he emerged as an early public critic of the Strategic Defense Initiative
(SDI, also aka "Star Wars") during the Ronald Reagan administration. On The MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour, he called it "the ultimate
military lunacy, easily overwhelmed and vulnerable".[3] Bowman founded the Institute for Space and Security Studies, and its
publication Space & Security News (1983) (ISSN 1071-2569), and authored two books on the subject of SDI. He is also a
critic of an outgrowth of the SDI program, the Bush administration's proposed National Missile Defense.[4]
For several
years he has been active with Veterans for Peace and Vietnam Veterans Against the War as a speaker.[5][6][7] He had also been
a member of the Peace Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.[8]
In 1998, Project Censored cited Bowman's
article "Our Continuing War Against Iraq," in the May 1998 issue of Space and Security News as one of the few (along with
Bill Blum of the San Francisco Bay Guardian and Dennis Bernstein) covering what they deemed the fifth most censored story,
"U.S. Weapons of Mass Destruction Linked to the Deaths of Half a Million Children."[9] The WMDs referred to are the biological
samples sent to Iraq from the United States up to 1989, and use of depleted uranium during the Gulf War.
He is a member
of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, founded in January 2006 by James H. Fetzer. Because of the beliefs Bowman holds regarding U.S.
complicity in the September 11, 2001 attacks, he is also part of the movement to impeach George W. Bush.
He spoke
at a September 11, 2005 rally in New York City held by members of the New York 9/11 Truth Movement.[10]
More recently,
Dr. Bowman joined Veterans for 9/11 Truth. [and this below video is of the Summer 2006 9-11 conference in L.A. that was shown
three times on C-SPAN in the past week.
Visit for more exclusives.
video link here:
It's an interesting question--the use of repeated synthetic terror events and easily documented
false alarms to consolidate and mentally cripple all organized opposition, keep politics reactive, instead of proactive....seen
from attempts to use it like Operation Northwoods in 1962 onward to the present.... You know, Rove claims to re-read Machiavelli's
the Prince every year...
more on Operation Northwoods, authorized by the complete Joint Chiefs of Staff, as U.S. military
plan to kill U.S. citizens to then throw the blame on Cuba to justify an invasion back in 1962---in the intro to this film:
9-11 Loose Change (1 hr 22 min) Loose Change 2nd Edition - Korey Rowe / Dylan Avery / Jason Bermas
9-11 Loose Change has been in the Google Video top 20 or so solidly for at least three months
now...up to three simultaneous copies are on 'rotation' in the top 100
September 11 -- what year? 30 percent of Americans don't know
AFP | August 10 2006
If 30 per cent are virtually oblivious to the event itself, and 36 per cent believe government complicity enabled the attack,
then that leaves only 34 per cent of [sentient] Americans who actually believe the official version of events.
As for that 30%,"You can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want
to concentrate on."--George W. Bush, Washington, DC March 31, 2001
And those are the 30% that the Bush regime counts
on to believe their next state terrorism incident to let Cheney attack Iran with their plan that is already written up as
a "pre-response" to such an incident.
Impeach Bush and Cheney for treason and terrorism immediately. The treasonous
clique around them--some involved in the 1993 WTC attack, like current head of "Homeland Security", that terror stooge Chertoff,
who was the defense lawyer TWICE OVER to someone funding Osama bin Laden--should go as well.